barf … signups!!/


• signups close on wednesday march 5th, 00:00 GMT (round 1 will begin on this day). post your sign upness in this thread!
• the tournament is 2A03 only. pcm (i.e. supernsf) is not allowed. dpcm is allowed!
• overclocking is permitted. just make sure it plays on nsfplay and yer good

• the rule pack for this tournament is instead of samples, going to involve limitations!
- email me as many "limitations" for rules as you like. this can involve using a certain fragment of melody, using a certain instrument/dpcm sample, certain effects etc. etc. limitations should be enough to provide a challenge but not overly oppressive. i will change limitations i feel are far too unfair to better suit the spirit of the contest but you will otherwise be responsible for limitations being aired!

- each round, surviving contestants will have five days between wednesday and sunday to write a valid entry for the round, closing at sunday 23:59:59 GMT. the final two days, monday and tuesday will be used to vote on entries. each round there will be a certain "cutoff" point of contestants to stay above! if you're below the cutoff you are eliminated for the round, but if you're above you progress to the next one, until a winner is found!

best of luck~ you can sign up here!

NC in the US of America

I sign up. Excited about this.


So people who use the physical 2A03 chip and a MIDI sequencer instead of an emulator and tracker are not eligible...? huh.

Dallas, Texas

well midi is a bit of a cheat, cause the 2A03 has certain timing limitations that something like MidiNES doesn't have. Like the whole 60 fps thing. Plus you can't submit a file that can be played in NSFplay if you only use midi. Also if one of the limitations ends up being a sample pack, you'd be 'down chip creek without a paddle'

TylerBarnes wrote:

well midi is a bit of a cheat, cause the 2A03 has certain timing limitations that something like MidiNES doesn't have.

Not to split hairs, but MIDI or not if the CPU itself can do it, the CPU can do it... right?  'Cheating' seems a lot more plausible on an emulator if you ask me.

I was admittedly just being difficult, it's a 2A03 tournament that I can't join cause i compose using knobs and keyboards recorded onto a sequencer playing into the NES itself instead of a note table/matrix/grid on a computer screen with an assembler .nsf export playing on an emulator.  Just kind of a bummer cause it sounds like fun!

Anyhow, should be some good listening regardless.


(I wonder how Hip Tanaka composed....)

Dallas, Texas
untilzero wrote:

Not to split hairs, but MIDI or not if the CPU itself can do it, the CPU can do it.

The CPU itself can't do it.

It is indeed a bummer, Sorry you can't participate. Maybe you can compose in your normal way and just transpose your song into a tracker or MML...

NC in the US of America

sorry about that untilzero. From what I can tell, it is called "NSFmania" after all, not NESmania.

TylerBarnes wrote:

It is indeed a bummer, Sorry you can't participate. Maybe you can compose in your normal way and just transpose your song into a tracker or MML...

*transcribe* sorry but that's the second time I've seen that this week.

Dallas, Texas

oops smile Thanks Sketchman

SketchMan3 wrote:

sorry about that untilzero. From what I can tell, it is called "NSFmania" after all, not NESmania.

No you're right dude, i'm just being a kitty baby whiner, haha.  Sorry I derailed this thread.

untilzero wrote:

So people who use the physical 2A03 chip and a MIDI sequencer instead of an emulator and tracker are not eligible...? huh.

i don't see where i limited this specifically... is there a way to convert this into an nsf file? if so there should be no problem smile

Last edited by kfaraday (Mar 5, 2014 4:51 am)

Dallas, Texas

The closest one would get to automatically converting it to NSF would be one of the Midi2MML programs. and even then alot would still have to be manually done. So the musician will inevitably have to learn one program or the other to input their notes into. But hey, I work manually by default. I write through a MidiNES and transcribe it into MML manually myself.

Some various limitations I have to suggest are the following:

  • No 11-bit noise. Only 7-bit

  • No triangle basses

  • 'Song must be looped' would be an interesting one

  • Some type of filesize restriction would be fun. Like 1 bank only (8K)

  • No arps

  • A time signature restriction like no 4/4 and/or no 3/4

Last edited by TylerBarnes (Mar 5, 2014 6:34 am)


we've begun! :] … iiiiiinss/