Denver, Colorado

- I have been searching this topic and have yet to find an answer,
- I can see my data on GB USB smart card software,
- I can copy to my HD with the Read SRAM button,
- I renamed the file xxxx.sav
- I also copied and renamed
- When i try to load my rom I get this message:

  "loading rom succeeded with warnings
   header size in header does not match actual rom size.
   header checksum fails.
   logo check fails
   ROM checksum fails.
   Header says to use no MBC but rom size requires MBC
   This rom would not work on a real gameboy."

So i understand that the file i am using that has been changed to an file is not as big as the original LSDj file rom which is 1MB
- I have tried different variations of this with no success.

I know that I must be doing something wrong! But what!??
please help.
I'm growing more afraid of loosing my data, and i'm writing more music, so it's an exponentially growing fear!
Thank You.


The sav is not a ROM. It's a save file. It contains save data, and renaming it to .gb makes no sense. You need an LSDj ROM that you put side by side with the .sav, that has the same name but different file extension. So you might and lsdj.sav. Then you open in BGB, and it automatically finds lsdj.sav. You need an actual LSDj ROM for this to work.



Last edited by Apeshit (Jul 17, 2019 12:29 am)

Denver, Colorado

OMG, thank you, I was just not changing the original title to the .sav title I guess I was naming in reverse. That makes complete sense and it only took me about 4 hours for the solution!

Last edited by Steele (Mar 16, 2014 1:34 am)