8static 3E - Philadelphia Chip Music
Saturday, March 29th, 2014
7:00pm at the North Star Bar - 21+
$10 (exclusive 8static sticker with entry)
SNESEI (DET) http://snesei.bandcamp.com/
Ro-Bear (PHL) https://www.facebook.com/ayorobear
Mr. Wimmer (KTY) http://mrwimmer.bandcamp.com/
ohhinaifu (DET) http://ohhinaifu.tumblr.com/ (She also did the bomb-ass flyer)
Workshop by Timothy Bieniosek from Philly U and the Hacktory:
The workshop will be on making radical interactive digital/8-bit/glitch art using the Processing environment. Prior programming experience is not required (but it helps.) Bring a laptop and for maximum fun, grab the software from http://processing.org/ before you come!
Live audio stream on arecibo radio! http://www.areciboradio.com/
On a personal not I'm really excited about this show and would love to see a lot of people I only ever talk to on the internet
Last edited by Mrwimmer (Mar 18, 2014 8:14 pm)