The Pacific Ocean

So I have a spare dmg I want to mod, or not. I already have a backlit dmg but it's backlit with the rgb backlight from kitsch, which I got on sale for 2$, but it caused a couple of problems such as some weird light/contrast fluctuation in lsdj. I also noticed that the contrast fluctuation happened on my stock dmg but it was defiantly less noticeable, is that due to the backlight inversion on the modded one? Also, which frontlight is the best, I don't like the ones with magnifiers, I've been looking into the nuby game light but are there better options or even diy options? Thanks -Payday

Taichung, Taiwan

Get the handheld hero bl from kitsch.

Taichung, Taiwan

Never cheap out on mods that are cheap to begin with. An extra $10 would've saved you a whole lot of trouble.

Alive and well in fucksville

keeping one stock is a smart idea because you might want to work on songs during the daytime. you cant stick the film back on after you have razored it off. daylight hours are also my (and anyone with a normal pituitary gland) most productive time.

Last edited by bitjacker (May 15, 2014 4:26 pm)

The Pacific Ocean

That's what I was thinking bitjacker... I can prosound, I've been using my stock one more due to the daylight issue, but would a white backlight still be visible?


White backlights are the best for all times of the day imo.  Biverted white is AMAZING when the sun isn't directly hitting the screen, otherwise standard white works great.