Breaking the rom up into PRG and CHR is simple enough, all you need is a hex editor and knowledge of the correct places to cut it, which can be obtained from the iNES header. Alternatively, you can use the programs which are available on that very site you linked to, and run them on your Mac using the Dosbox emulator.
As for doing things from NoCarrier, those are quite simple. You have to split it into CHR and PRG files, duplicate them to fill the chip you are using, and install the EPROMs directly into an NROM-256 cartridge. It's fairly simple, but I can see how alot of this is overwhelming for people. I can write a simple tutorial for people at some point.
As for NTRQ, this is considerably more complex. You'll have to hunt down the correct donor cartridge first, which should contain an SKROM board inside. One cheap and cruddy game which has this is Al Unser Turbo Racing. Then you need to rewire the cartridge to accept 27c0x0 EPROMs. Instructions for doing this can be found here:
Just follow the directions posted there for the SLROM, and you shouldn't have too much difficulty rewiring the cartridge.
Lastly, I am fairly sure this will involve absolutely no knowledge of C, since I can handle this and I don't know any C at all, only various dialects of BASIC and Pascal. Actually, you won't need to even know how to program a computer, although I like to say that with anything computer related it's nice to have done some coding as it familiarises you with the concepts.
EDIT: Feel free to complain if I'm too vague, I haven't tried to explain this to beginners before. Also, it would be helpful to know what your current level of skill is with electronics, since both of these projects are relatively advanced I suppose. If you haven't done much soldering with .1" pitch through hole components then I would say you'll need to brush up on your soldering. If you haven't done much desoldering I would also advise you to practice that as well, since you'll need that a good deal to prep the donor boards. Also, if you know someone who has an EPROM programmer you can save yourself alot of money by borrowing his, especially if you don't intend to be reprograming these alot. Lastly, with EPROMs, you'll also need a UV eraser device if you plan on reprogramming them, since just plugging them back into the programmer won't do anything without erasing them first.
Last edited by arfink (Apr 27, 2010 11:41 am)