
Hey there, for my first post allow me to introduce myself - Rune - chip fan, synth fan, Anime OST fan, not so much a gamer - I'm more about the music. I have no social life to speak of and much of my pleasure in life comes from music - particularly  - sifting through large amounts of chip/synth/anime osts  looking for the tracks I like  - you know the bit. So that said I've been meaning to find out just who owned 8bc and how I can persuade them to put out a torrent of every submission. Note: I have already downloaded and gone through the best of 8bc torrent to find that many songs I had downloaded when the site was up  were not a part of that torrent - leading me to believe that there could be many awesomes to be heard. I know it would be a relatively large  torrent but I gotta at least try to get it put out.

any help/ info  would be greatly appreciated


Tacoma WA

i forwarded a link to this post for you.


i just actually looked at the torrent info for the first time, noticed it for some reason says that all tracks were released under  CC-BY-NC-SA, 8bc did have the option to choose license on upload so many of those songs actually had different licenses (probably a fair number with ND instead of SA).. not sure if that database info would still exists somewhere to fix that for people grabbing the torrent or not



Last edited by Feryl (Feb 19, 2024 8:26 pm)

Tacoma WA

A little bird told me it might be coming back in a few weeks.

Abandoned on Fire


A little bird sent me a cease and desist.

Malapascua, phillipines

if 8bc ever came back that would be a maricle i would love to hear the songs i made in 2010 that i couldnt hear after my old pc broke and 8bc shut down. but thats only a dream

Taichung, Taiwan

Malapascua, phillipines

6:22 they start talking more about 8BC

Joliette, QC, Canada

Speaking of 8BC, if someone in here got the songs Matt Fuzz released on it please send it to me A.S.A.P. !!! smile


ok, just really dug through that torrent and its kind of shit for being representative of 8bc.. reminds me why we didnt do the top tens and favoriting really on here... too many tracks on that torrent because people made dummy accounts to favorite their own/their friends tracks...also is lacking everyone who asked to be deleted after jose got super shitty towards some of us

edit: clear sign something's off= only saskrotch tracks in it are his megaman remixes

Last edited by e.s.c. (Jun 8, 2014 5:02 pm)

katsumbhong wrote:

Don't put too much weight into what he's saying, especially not in part 2 of the interview.


oh and no zombectro slayer cover, wtf is up with that?

nitro2k01 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Don't put too much weight into what he's saying, especially not in part 2 of the interview.

lol, yeah.. i love the way he only sort of refers to all of us who ran the shit while he was MIA for about a year in 2008 as people with strong opinions

Taichung, Taiwan
nitro2k01 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Don't put too much weight into what he's saying, especially not in part 2 of the interview.

Can't you guys hug it out?