now maybe is the time to mention i too am searching for bass experience by cow'p. i.e the actual physical copy. I have it in mp3 and would be happy to share it with L-Tron, so you should just sell it to me plz.
heres that flashbob stuff i have... its mostly off comps...
What happened to that one Treyfrey remix of what I think was a mstrkrft song? It was on 8bc and now I can't find it.
POST@L_M@RKET - Punk Attitude
Matt Fuzz
Da Chip 2
Since it's relevant, here's Huoratron's chiptune/8bit stuff, you know, from before he turned to electrogrind
Anyone got stuff by Ikari? I've got a few songs by her but wondering if there's more out there
POST@L_M@RKET - Punk Attitude
Pretty sure I still have that. Will check in a few mins!
now maybe is the time to mention i too am searching for bass experience by cow'p. i.e the actual physical copy. I have it in mp3 and would be happy to share it with L-Tron, so you should just sell it to me plz.
Hook it up!
Also I second Dachip vol 2
Last edited by L-tron (Jun 26, 2014 4:24 am)
im sure i have some more of these, jsut no time to look right now.. im busy getting things ready for releases im putting out tomorrow.. ill check back this weekend and search out anything that hasnt already been sorted out.. i'm 90% sure i have both da chip's
Not actually a release, but discography (full I hope) of Lo-bat I downloaded from his website (not working anymore):
(click to the yellow big button - Stáhnout, retype a code and click to another yellow big button - Stáhnout)
I don't know if this fits the theme, but i forgot this solid release for years.
Does anyone have Orloc's release on Metrodub?
Edit: How lazy are your people? I just checked, and it's still available for download at the OFFICIAL website!
Last edited by DeerPresident (Jun 26, 2014 10:30 am)