
It seems to me like the cm.o forum is always sending me to adds and random links. A lot of the words in the forums become hyperlinks. How about you guys? Did I get super-hacked, or is this a common occurrence? If I have to donate to cm.o to get this to stop, I totally will.

Last edited by infodrive (Jun 26, 2014 5:45 am)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm pretty sure that's just you, dude.


Damn, I guess it was time for a new OS anyway haha. My b.

South Korea

How many questionable (source, not content) porn sites are you enjoying? From the looks of it your OS/browser is fucked smile If cm.o pulled shit like that, it would be a dead forum by now.


I use my phone for fun times haha. I rarely use my computer except to check email/forums and download little things. Could it have been the driver install for the 64m flash Cart?

edit: It was totally my chrome install... hmm

Last edited by infodrive (Jun 26, 2014 5:45 am)


maybe you are hitting it through the chapmusic.urg mirror.

UK, Leicester

it's not chrome itself, it's addons. It happens to the best of us, download some software we need, then forget to untick the box that installs crap like that onto our browsers