My subscription inbox is lacking in chiptune artists / devs. So anyone here who has a somewhat active YouTube channel, post a description of your content and a link and I'll subscribe if I like what I see.
i make random videos and chiptunes. thats pretty much it:
lots of odd snippets of things here, chip happenings/ascii/ansi happenings, usually short stuff. some prank calls. some music. a hodgepodge, check it out. please subscribe.
Mine is
Not much content up to be honest. and I'm not exactly active, but stuff gets uploaded here and there.
Mostly my channel for my bass music and chip tutorials/mods
Haven't been active since the changing of gears to move to Asia. Will be updating once I get over there and have everything set up.
Mod tutorials galore! got a little bit of everything on there
but mainly like to use
Last edited by Kitten Paw Recordings (Jul 3, 2014 12:49 pm)
I'd recommend the following chiptune promotion channel (though it's not very active lately):
I have a few videos up here, planning on putting up some new ones soon
Thanks everyone!
I know for us music people it takes some time to upload content. Also if you know other people who may not visit these forums, post their channels also.
Here, this is ZeroJanitor: <-does 2A03 covers and other things.
Holy hell! That's all I have.
Oh yeah, mdotstrange <- he does music, independent 3D-animated films, and recently is developing games.
I have a youtube, synths and stuff. do bits and bobs.
I only have one video up, which is a music video for my chip EP (Portopak - Reasonably Priced) but here's my channel: … CYMV5xBSwQ
Aside from that, I'm also a filmmaker. Here's my main channel:
and a web series I co-created and direct:
Last edited by jmc1987 (Jul 5, 2014 12:47 am)