
I'm looking to write a patch on puredata that will automatically push/activate designated keys on my keyboard in reaction to sound levels from my 'line in' (from my gameboy) that are then sent to a NES emulator running glitchnes. For sound reactive glitchyness

I thought it would work quite well as a visualiser for live streaming audio and/or live shows.

I'm really struggling to get started with this and I'm not sure where to look for help, so any assistance/pointers/patches would be greatly appreciated!


hardcore, Australia


Last edited by godinpants (May 14, 2020 10:40 pm)

godinpants wrote:

So from what I remember in doing this, you'll want to use fiddle~ for pitch detection and there was a similar external for amplitude detection, though this should be easy to roll your own by feeding it into a table and reading from that.

The other one is probably the percussion follower object [bonk~].

godinpants wrote:

I guess you could internally route midi through another piece of software that generates keystrokes (midiyoke? midiox? not sure if they do it.) and have that control glitchnes.

It's also very specific to the operating system that you are using. On FreeBSD I'd probably try to do it like this:  create a virtual cuse4bsd HID device, make sure the emu uses this device as main controller, change the controller state via simple shell commands (like usbhidctl I think) directly from Pd, with the [shell] object. Untested smile

Next to the Hurleur forum, the Pd list is also a good place to ask

ultrageranium wrote:

It's also very specific to the operating system that you are using. On FreeBSD I'd probably try to do it like this:  create a virtual cuse4bsd HID device, make sure the emu uses this device as main controller, change the controller state via simple shell commands (like usbhidctl I think) directly from Pd, with the [shell] object. Untested smile

You could also use xdotool to send keypresses to the emulator, and configure the emulator to use the keyboard as the controller.  This should also work on Linux.  I don't know what the latency would be like.


Cheers for you help guys so far! I should probably have mentioned I'm attempting to do this on a mac

hardcore, Australia


Last edited by godinpants (May 14, 2020 10:39 pm)


This thread … d-commands reveals the the existence of this software for Mac OSX. I haven't tried it but in theory it could be useful. Only PD external I could find for this job was for Windows XP.