Medina, Ohio

If you want audio in, you have to be in on my secret that everyone is unaware of because they are a bunch of hobknockers.

You simply buy one of these puppies, and place it inside the case of the nes. you then take the input and output of the pedal and add wire to make them fit to the edge of the nes. You then drill the holes in the nes where you want your 8 bit audio in / out and place them accordingly. Solder up. You then take the switch out as well as the pots and dill holes for them on the top. You then have an NES with 8-bit audio in.

this upgrade even works for NES's that no longer power on, so it is a win'win upgrade that is a lot cheaper than the MIDI stuff I mentioned before.

Last edited by dsv101 (Jul 3, 2014 3:55 pm)

Jelly Stone park, MD USA

boom! 2 minutes of Google search'n

logan city, UT, USA

whoa 0.0 you like 8 bit super hero ; ) thanks!!!! you know what's funny though? i bought my NES at a place in our local mall that sells old, and sometimes non-working or cruddy handhelds,consoles,and games. Amazingly i found one in almost pristine condition!! after i did my mods i've done on it, it still runs (and plays) incredibly well : D (P.S. these guys are hobknockers XD )

also, you DO know that you would just be stufing an 8 bit pedal inside an nes case? as it's not wired to the soundchip itsself? : /

logan city, UT, USA

yogi, i've seen that and all other results for '8 bit guitar' and all other variations of those search terms like, a hundred times??
( i said i spent the last few weeks searching XD )

Jelly Stone park, MD USA
The8BitMachine wrote:

yogi, i've seen that and all other results for '8 bit guitar' and all other variations of those search terms like, a hundred times??
( i said i spent the last few weeks searching XD )

Good that you've seen it cause that is all you can do with a NES: midi into a cart that converts messages to register data. Go For It, midiNES rocks!

CAN'T believe that this thread has gone on so long if you knew that from the start ???

Last edited by yogi (Jul 3, 2014 5:43 pm)


The more this thread goes on, the more I think The8BitMachine actually is a troll.
The8BitMachine, there is literally no way to plug a guitar into the NES's sound chip, it is simply not possible.
Anamanaguchi, in the article you posted, mentioned nothing about plugging their guitars or drums or any other instrument into their NES.
The only way using a guitar with an NES would ever be possible would be with a MIDI pedal/MIDI pickup/MIDI guitar and some sort of MID:I NES mod. There is nothing you can do to plug your guitar directly into the NES.


Take this : and stuff it in your NES.
Then take something like this: … Ahsu8P8HAQ and connect it to the MIDI NES, and stuff it inside your NES. Connect the output of the pedal to the 1/4" jack and you're done. You can now plug your guitar into your NES and play it.

logan city, UT, USA

IM NOT A TROLL im a 17 year old fan of chipmusic, and i was desparate for help, and i got it ; )

if you meant 'there is nothing you can do to plug your guitar directly into the NES - soundchip' than ya, probably not.
still thanks guys!!  and wow, this thread IS huge! XD good thing though, lots of advice, and plenty of criticism : )

(P.S. my usual username on games, other forums, etc. is: AtlasTanker )

The8BitMachine wrote:

IM NOT A TROLL im a 17 year old fan of chipmusic,

No comment.

Dallas, Texas
katsumbhong wrote:

There is no audio in on any of the chips inside the NES console to solder input jacks into.

You can't.

I don't even.

Technically, Expansion Pin 6 (2a03 pin 54) in an audio input :3


though not in the sense OP means or is looking for


What is Expansion Pin 6 used for? Would it be like the Famicons microphone or something?

Dallas, Texas

It is to rout the expansion audio from carts like mmc5 and mix it with the normal audio signal.


I am sure it requires a tight voltage range though.

UK, Leicester
The8BitMachine wrote:

IM NOT A TROLL im a 17 year old fan of chipmusic


TylerBarnes wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

There is no audio in on any of the chips inside the NES console to solder input jacks into.

You can't.

I don't even.

Technically, Expansion Pin 6 (2a03 pin 54) in an audio input :3

don't, don't, please don't

South Korea

Guyz, I google translated kplecraft's website, and misread that they plugged their saxophone and bongo into a GameBoy and play 8-bit horns. I play the trumpet and harmonica and NEED to know how they do it, so tell me, you knowlegable chiptunez guys, how should I do it? Don't even fucking think about telling me it's not possible, because I read the website and I KNOW I CAN DO IT! Just tell me HOW, kthnxbi.