
The Lunchbeat Groovebox is an awesome little 1 bit drum machine.  I am wondering if it is possible to sync it with a standard Nintendo Gameboy DMG-01?

  I asked the creator and he had this to say:  "Luchbeat syncs to standard 5V pulse (and sends it for other machines). I don't know much about Gameboy though..."

Does anyone know how I would accomplish this?  I am a DIYer,  so building some sort of cable or box would be no problem.


Taichung, Taiwan

Custom sync cable?

Murcia, Spain

There's a general-purpose fix for this: … k-no-midi/

In the tutorial it is done for the Monotribe, but I think that any machine capable of syncing with 5V pulses should accept this. You'll need two game-boys, one of them with pro-sound, and a game boy cable.

I tried it with the Korg Volcas and worked like a charm.

matt's mind

(thank you thread.  johan emailed about a thought.  will keep thread updated)

Czech republic

Set LSDJ to nanoloop sync and devide the sync output by 8 with 4017 IC.


What if I wanted to sync the Lunchbeat with Nanovoice,  or Nanoloop,  also?

Last edited by RJL (May 4, 2014 6:04 pm)

Czech republic

Nanoloop outputs the same kind of pulse signal as LSDJ in nanoloop sync mode so it should work the same way (but I don't own any nanoloop cart). You could sync LSDJ to nanoloop and lunchbeat at the same time by just spliting the sync signal. Nanoloop sync is 24 ppqn (pulse-per-quater-note) as far as I know so you need to devide  it by 8 to get a pulse on each 1/16 note


If you're willing to hack up a link cable, you can connect ground to ground, and the link cable's signal out to the sync input. Then engage the Nanoloop sync mode in LSDj. With standard setting this should give you 12 pulses per quarter note, or 3 pulses per step. Depending on what the device can accept in terms of synch signals, this may be sufficient.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

You could also make a minor modification to the arduinoboy code to output a 5v sync signal on an unused pin.

Tacoma WA

that lack of overvoltage protection on the lunchbeat is worrying (as someone with a modular synth w/ triggers that range from 5v to 10v)

Jelly Stone park, MD USA
nitro2k01 wrote:

If you're willing to hack up a link cable, you can connect ground to ground, and the link cable's signal out to the sync input. Then engage the Nanoloop sync mode in LSDj. With standard setting this should give you 12 pulses per quarter note, or 3 pulses per step. Depending on what the device can accept in terms of synch signals, this may be sufficient.

I was checking out the Lunchbeat page and vids. Looks like you can adjust the Sync divide from 1 to 15. So you should be able to match the ppqn rate from LSDJ.