Hi there, I've been working on new sample banks to improve our amiga library. This time the pack includes samples straight from the original disk or rom, directly dumped from the original hardware and converted using sox. So we have samples from Akai MPC-60 (disk), Akai XR-10 (disk), SP-12000 (disk), Oberheim DMX (rom), Linn9000 (rom), and CASIO RZ1 (full library from the original sample tape). I've also included my personal library (1392 samples) wich includes other famous drum samples and effects. All samples are IFF-8SVX 8bit 22050-32000 with no loop set.
The download link will be available for a time, for more info, please visit English Amiga Board.
Hope you like. I will be glad if you post some noise with that samples here, by the way: Happy tracking!!