Thanks guys, I've been doing more research and reading the manuals and stuff and I bought a "1351" mouse on eBay, which I believe is the recommended C64 mouse to use with P64.
The saving issue is something that I will have to look into eventually, but at the moment, I don't have a computer to save to anyways (i use an iPad) so I guess I'll have to keep my sequencer songs pretty short and simple for the time being.
One thing I'm a little worried about is that I'm pretty sure I have one of the older, older C64's with an early SID chip, so I hope everything still will sound OK.
One thing I might have to DIY up is another potentiometer box... I already have one that I made for use with my Cynthcart, but I understand P64 supports 2 (4 pots). But does that use the same port that the mouse does? Then I would be limited to just 1 pot box.
Maybe I'll make/get a double SID thing down the road some day.
I heard about/ordered Retroskoi last week, I'm just waiting for the to ship it to me! Ordered the P64 today, I'm stoked!
. Love that C64 sound!
Last edited by RJL (Jul 31, 2014 12:23 pm)