Oh man.. You might want to organize something ahead.. contact the airline & make sure it's all cool.
Like I said, I contacted them and it SEEMS like it's all cool indeed.
Oh the other hand, I was wondering about the cell/mobile phones.
As far as I know, our EU phones have no use in JP. And now I wonder if it would be enough to change the SIM-card into some Japanese one (if they're the same) and get some JP number - and use, or -
maybe our GSM phones are in totally different frequencies? And will be useless as machines in general?
Then - my niece has something like "Iphone 4s Model: A1387 EMC 2430" and she claims it should work in Japanese frequencies as well as the UE/US ones.
So finally I dunno whether to get some number and the SIM-card for her machine? Or - if it's impossible - is it reasonable to get some the cheapest cell-phone there, with a number? (And what would be the cost there).
Hm. What would You guys say'bout it?
Have a good week,
If you are on facebook, there's a square sounds tokyo group. I've been using it to help coordinate my trip and it might be a good resource for you:
First of all: you are going to LOVE Tokyo. It is awesome! Second: I was there a month ago for 5 days or something and - not to scare you - blew way more money than 72.000 yen. But then again, I stayed in a normal hotel which was 58.000 for 5 days and I spent all my money on karaoke and unlimited beer during karaoke (which sets you back 40 euros or something, but I cant remember because I was sort of drunk all the time ).
Beer from your friendly hotel/hostel vending machine will cost you 220 yen. Beer in a bar/restaurant around 500 yen.
A cheap bowl of ramen or conveyor belt sushi will set you back around 1000 yen (and green tea/water is free most of the time).
worn panties cost around 500 yen
I am afraid that I cannot answer your phone question. I just used my european sim and tried to use wifi as much as I could.
Plus, as said before by others, I am sure that the square sounds crew can help you with all your questions!
Enjoy your trip and gig!
Last edited by Men of Mega (Aug 4, 2014 2:30 pm)
Thanks a lot dudes. It's really informative stuff.
I also got from Lazerbeat infos about renting cell-phones. Hm.
But what kind of oxymoron is that - I dunno:
"If you want to pay by cash, you need your credit card number". Hahah. So it could be not very helpful option.
Also, seems like they require to 'pay in' a deposit like 30 000 yens? Arrrrrrgh. So I'd have to quickly resign from it, hehe.
Thanks a lot dudes. It's really informative stuff.
I also got from Lazerbeat infos about renting cell-phones. Hm.
But what kind of oxymoron is that - I dunno:"If you want to pay by cash, you need your credit card number". Hahah. So it could be not very helpful option.
Also, seems like they require to 'pay in' a deposit like 30 000 yens? Arrrrrrgh. So I'd have to quickly resign from it, hehe.
Having a phone is nice, yeah, if you plan to hang out with lots of people all the time and they all live all over the place. But it's NOT necessary.
If you are staying where most people are (like Khaosan Ninja) , it shouldn't be a problem. Specially if you hang out with ONE person who has a phone.
I spent my days in Tokyo without one and although I missed a couple of appointments, I was mostly OK, and I was staying on my own somewhere far from most of the other people. You'll be fine, you don't need it. It's vacation. Who wants to be connected to Facebook and stuff? Fuck that
Last edited by akira^8GB (Aug 7, 2014 1:24 pm)
Hahah thanks for all infos dude, although when I was little telephones looked like this -
and my brother still has one of those, for fun. So THAT IS a *telephone* for me.
Just for making callz: I don't even have an account of the Facebook, hee-hee.
So I am rather interested in, hm, "permanent possibility of acoustic contact with organizers, just in case, if anybody gets dead or a comet approaching or Godzilla is coming" and so on.
My niece said the "i-phone" should do the trick after all, when the JP sim-card is bought. Hm.
I am pretty sure you cannot buy a japanese SIM card unless you are a Japan resident, and renting one is still expensive.
You REALLY don't need a phone. Stick to the pack as much as you can and you will be fine (I doubt you'll be separated form the rest for long). Who cares if someone else dies? And if Godzilla is coming, there's no escape, man. Haha.
Last edited by akira^8GB (Aug 8, 2014 10:22 am)
You know, I will also have to take care of my niece there. She wants to see sommit. Hence my question about the phones.
Thx for all the data.
If you are staying where most people are (like Khaosan Ninja) , it shouldn't be a problem.
There are already a couple of us booked to stay at Khaosan Ninja. At the very least I am going to be staying there and so is Frans of Eindbaas fame. I think Shirobon mentioned looking into booking there too.
Yessssssssss, I'll be there too.
It's my understanding that it is tradition that we empty the hostel vending machine of its beer the night before Square Sounds.
Hehehe. There's a strong&heavy possibility of it.
I wonder btw, how strong the Japanese beer usually is (also this "artificial" beer I'm interested in too ).
My reasoning is - here the standard light beer is being sold in cans 0,5 L and it's 5,6% of alcohol strong. Usually I take 7 of those while some bigger party and so on. For instance our ZX coder Hellboi takes for a night 12 beers in 0,5L cans, but beer in his country is usually 4% strong (more/less).
But % in JP might be different, not to mention the cans might be smaller (I don't recall those small capacities of cans, they're not popular here).
If you are in town, add your details! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … sp=sharing