Yeah, ive got a clear green case for the final one, this is just a test unit. In this one, some batteries were left in and leaked, rotting at the board where the batteries connect.
I've wired the charge circuit 5v output up to the pins were the DC jack meet the board, as the voltage is close enough to work easily.
As for my mention of the switch, its to turn the charge circuit off - whenever a LiPo battery is connected, as standard it'll sit there with its blue "power" LED glowing. This is a little annoying, and may just drain the battery in periods when its not in use. But if you pull the EN pin on the board to ground, it shuts it down. So I was gonna wire that up to an "off" position on the main DMG switch, so if the gameboys off, so is the annoying power led
As for the micro USB, I just think it makes more sense for me. Not only does it keep the DC port functioning (in case I fry the charge circuit or LiPo or something), having a charge port that works from any of my many android phone chargers is easy. Better than having another different shape/power charger to get lost in my box of cables!
Hope that explains my ideas somewhat.
Last edited by Category (Aug 10, 2014 12:26 pm)