Vince, the new EP fucking rules, man.
Aviel - love it! What a great lgpt album, bought it right away. Andrew; thanks for coining that term Holy Konni-esque hahaha
Vince - really great work. keep it up!
just want to make sure people know to look towards the bottom of the 1st page for vince's release and not the first post! wouldn't want anyone to miss something so smmr
New Vince Kaichan, awesome!
Oh man it is so smooth and beachy
both of these releases are great.
edit: along with everything else on the label apparently
Last edited by Brother Android (Aug 12, 2014 7:51 pm)
Number three of the finals sees the release debut of 'Manchester's Top Geeza' HODSON, of ex-Skin Walker fame, flexing his musical muscles under the weight of this titanic mixture of spoken word, dnb, glitch and trip hop.
Dispelling specific genre focus in favour of atmospheric and tonal meanderings, HODSON's five track effort covers aeons of ground, self-regarded in genre terms by HODSON himself as one only named 'Particular'. Using chiptune as just one of several instruments, only adding further colour to the rich patchwork of influences on show, HODSON also adds sampled vocals and his own spoken word to weigh down tracks with an emotional vibrancy not seen often within the scene. From the delicate duality of guitar tones and big beat-esque drums in 'Pink & Blue', to the thick, suffocated dnb in 'Somewhere Down In The West' or the throbbing almost acidic bass in 'Out To Pasture', Colours That Glow In The Dark is as surprising as it is diverse, and another welcome addition to the TWG roster that we are estatic to be bringing to you.
Grab the release here.
01. Like Chalk To Slate
02. Out To Pasture
03. Pink & Blue
04. Adam Gnade - The Winter / Their Apartment (HODSON Bootleg)
05. Somewhere Down In The West
Yes Andrew, get this out and up and fuk and u. Safety for all the promotion and teng.
Skin Walker is set for closure in the coming weeks (yada yada chip rage quit blah) with final releases coming out on various labels, various meaning 2 but plural meaning who cares
So stream the higher quality version of the Colours That Glow In The Dark EP over at SoundCloud - … he-dark-ep and follow for future endeavors, and possible screaming into mics for 2 minutes or less
TWG has always prided itself in its genre diversity. With the fourth in our line of final releases, Whitely brings us what is easily his most surprising and one of his best realised pieces yet. Indian influenced ambient music, with ethereal vocals provided by Whitely himself, thick in atmosphere, emotion and tension.
There is not much else that can be said about this release, other than it's Whitely as you've never heard him before, a listening experience that is an experience as much as it is a journey, and that we're incredibly proud to have this here on TWG. Not necessarily chiptune, but incredible all the same.
Chiptune is dead anyway, right?
Grab the release here.
01. गर्मी
02. केवल सूर्य हमें एकजुट कर सकते हैं
03. भूत (किया)
TWG021| Spaceman Fantastiques - C.O.M.P.A.S.S
Nearly three years in the making, TWG is overly estatic to finally be bringing this huge album by Spaceman Fantastiques to you as part of our final string of releases.
Almost instantenously it's clear the long writing and recording progress was not wasted; full band progressive rock with math rock tinges flood over 'SW', hauntingly pretty electronic interludes like 'WSW' act as tonal poems, and tracks like the multi-movement 'N' rock through a plethora of ideas with the ease of a compositional wizard, emotional and breathtaking simultaneously.
Whilst lodged almost in sweeping progressive rock grandoise, 'C.O.M.P.A.S.S' ducks and dives between hundreds of influences, hitting each with intent and reasoning, a patchwork of complex but reasoned diversity that, when pulled back from, reveals a deep and diverse tapestry of music. Quite possibly one of the largest, in both scope and ambition, releases the scene will have seen in years, and certainly the biggest to ever be hosted here on TWG. From the piano, choral voices and pulsing bass medley of 'NE', through the noise-laden and immedate 'SE' and the squealing-solos-into-restrained-crawl of 'W', the journey within 'C.O.M.P.A.S.S' is laden with incredible moments.
Grab the release here.
Last edited by AndrewKilpatrick (Sep 10, 2014 8:15 pm)