e.s.c. wrote:

seriously though, your opinions on how it should be in no way effect the reality of the laws in place or mean anyone should feel bad if you decide to go around the law and get a cease & desist.

Maybe I'm not being clear as several people have made a similar comment but, I never said they did. I'm not talking about what is legal and what isn't. I'm talking about how I think it should work. I'm fully aware that it doesn't work in the way I'm describing.

e.s.c. wrote:

just watch those videos i posted and you should get what constitutes a cover (yes, even if you add accordion and turn a punk song into polka) and what is a remix, and what isn't really anything resembling the original work in final content, even if it uses parts of the recording..

I would but they don't seem to be loading for me. Not sure if that's an issue on my end or not.

e.s.c. wrote:

hell half of hip hop and breakcore stuff borrows drum hits from the same 4 bar drum break, but rechops/splces/cuts/edits the shit out of the amen to make something validly considered as new unique material and not really a copyright violation

Right. I'm trying to figure out an exact definition of where people think the line is. So far the answer seems to be that it's like pornography. You know it when you see it. That's not satisfying to me. When it comes to issues of whether or not I'll get sued for my super awesome Daft Punk cover album, I want there to a clear line of demarcation. And there isn't one. So that's part of my complaint about the way things work.


no, its just why you noticed some spite in my tone..and yes, you do keep going off topic, i haven't.. others already laid out the differences in legality between remixes and covers in regards to who you are legally obligated to pay, i just was clarifying your confusion on covers vs remixes with helpful video links and using examples where people make money entirely off performing the works of others (alive or dead) which are the situations more likely to result in legal action beyond ceas & desist.. a cover or two in a set here and there usually wouldnt draw attention unless it blew up... from what i remember, that daft punk "da chip" chip cover album had to get pulled after a cease & desist


videos not loading would be on your end.. is youtube blocked for some reason?

e.s.c. wrote:

videos not loading would be on your end.. is youtube blocked for some reason?

Don't thinks so. Chrome is just being a jerk. I'll take another look later.

e.s.c. wrote:

no, its just why you noticed some spite in my tone.

Uh. wow. Ok. I didn't get that at all but I guess I do now.

e.s.c. wrote:

.and yes, you do keep going off topic, i haven't.

I don't see how I've gone off topic. I mean the thread isn't about this, but that's a different story I think. It started because someone made the claim that it was some how wrong to sell cover tracks, which is an assertion I objected to.

e.s.c. wrote:

. others already laid out the differences in legality between remixes and covers in regards to who you are legally obligated to pay, i just was clarifying your confusion on covers vs remixes with helpful video links and using examples where people make money entirely off performing the works of others (alive or dead) which are the situations more likely to result in legal action beyond ceas & desist.. a cover or two in a set here and there usually wouldnt draw attention unless it blew up... from what i remember, that daft punk "da chip" chip cover album had to get pulled after a cease & desist

I know the what the law says. I just disagree that that is what it should say. This is an area where I think there is a huge gap between what is Right and Good (tm) and what the law says. I'm trying to find a rational for why people think that the law should work the way that it does and apparently making people really mad. So maybe this should be the end of the thread since we don't seem to be getting anywhere.

TL;DR for the future: I'm apparently wrong and an idiot but no one can give me any clear guide as to what is OK and what isn't. Probably because there isn't one.


oh yeah, google found this in seconds … legal-way/

e.s.c. wrote:

oh yeah, google found this in seconds … legal-way/

Yes. As I have repeatedly stated, I'm not confused about what you have to do to legally release covers or remixes. I don't understand the rational behind it. I fundamentally disagree with the way US copyright law works.


thats not what this conversation was about to begin with.. its about difference between covers and remixes and the legality of uploading either to bandcamp

n00bstar wrote:

I was under the impression that the original question was simply about how he should name his tracks, not get into the finer points of copyright laws and all that hmm

Reading back, I guess I hi-jacked this thread pretty hard. My bad. And I suppose my original question could be interpreted as me being a jerk. I wasn't trying to score points or embarrass anyone. I didn't understand the assertion that selling covers wasn't ok and was looking for clarification. I think I was bitten by the lack of textual tone.


[damn, double post]

Last edited by an0va (Aug 13, 2014 7:06 pm)


Looking back, Vanilla Ice's sampling is no where near as blatant as some stuff today...haha


true, just still was pretty messed up... especially when he tried to explain how it was totally different because he changed a note at the end


That's even still more work than something like this track, which is just a whole different song slowed down.

Try it for yourself - grab Gary Low's "I Want You," throw it in Ableton, turn on Repitch Warp mode and slow the tempo down to 95. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing there. That's the actual Washed Out song as it is - there's not even a drum loop added, haha.

And here's video proof of someone doing it from scratch:

Last edited by an0va (Aug 14, 2014 2:22 pm)


wow, thats pretty bad


I really like the Washed Out version too ;_;

San Diego, CA

and thus cm.o learned of vaporwave