meanwun wrote:I read through this whole thing not knowing what had happened. I still don't know exactly, but from what I have figured out I know you got royally messed over. I hope things get better for you.
I would also love a p about alt country. I haven't delved too deeply, lucero is about it really. Thanks.
at least that's my favorite. The reporter, Bryan Shlonsky was really amazing and told more of the actual story than anyone else, despite doing the shortest interview. he really knew what was important. but there are articles you can find from any OKC news site, the denver sites, Jezebel, Doucheoftheweek, The National Inquirer and many many more.
and absolutely, i'll be happy shoot you both private messages here in just a bit. I named my son after the man who is generally considered the father of Alt-Country. Extra points for anyone who guesses correctly. 
Last edited by projectinformtheworld (Aug 23, 2014 4:38 am)