Nomad's Land

I think kineticturtle needs an .8xp.

Edit: Try this.

Last edited by irrlichtproject (Sep 14, 2014 9:28 am)

Matthew Joseph Payne

I do in fact need an .8xp - irrlict, I tried the one you linked to and nothing changes, EXCEPT when TI Device Explorer tries to transfer it, it says the name isn't valid for this device, and makes me change it!

No matter what option I choose, once it gets to the calculator, it gives me the same BASIC error in Doors, and doesn't appear in Mirage.


Last edited by kineticturtle (Sep 14, 2014 2:37 pm)

Matthew Joseph Payne


thank goodness, yeah, I dug my XP netbook out of the basement and fired tilp up there and it worked on the first try.

I'm running .22 though and I can't enter values into the JMP or CPY menu commands, any idea why? I can do the LOG/LN/STO copy method, but every now and then it fucks up one of the values and I have to start over, which is a real bummer when you had to scroll from 124 back to the beginning...

Nomad's Land

Nice! JMP/CPY values are entered via arrow keys. LOG/LN/STO settings are somewhat temporary, as far as I remember they get overwritten by stuff like row play etc.

Matthew Joseph Payne

I think it's only fair I share the success I've had - thank you SO much for helping me get this working. As a result, I made this: … calculator

Dallas, Texas

Hell yeah! that sounds sweet, Matthew! great job!

Nomad's Land

Aww yeah, that's awesome!


I picked up a spare graph link today and I'm looking to pick up a calc for this, preferably an 82. Hopefully a straight up trade if that's fair.

Dallas, Texas

They're only like 20-30 bucks on eBay. I've even found some as low as 12-15 bucks sometimes.


The calc or the link cable? It seems like when I looked a while back the cable was pretty much the same cost as the calc. Or am I way off here?

Dallas, Texas

The TI-82 itself. Thats what I'm seeing right now. about 15-30 dollars.

edit: I may have mis read your original post as well. Are you trying to get rid of your link cable to get a TI82 in return or just get a TI so you can start using your cable?

Last edited by TylerBarnes (Sep 28, 2014 7:18 pm)


Oh crap, re-reading my original post it doesn't make any sense. What I meant to say was:

I picked up a TI Graph LInk (usb cable for flashing software to a calculator). I already have one though, so I'm looking to trade this one for a TI-82 straight up.

Dallas, Texas

Oh, ok. I was just attempting you help you out finding a cheap calc in case you needed one. Sorry for the confusion :3


I'd trade you had you been in EU :-/

Whateverville, California

When I first saw this thread a while back I knew I eventually wanted to give HT a shot. Having never fooled around with graphing calculators before, this has proven to be an interesting and informative journey. I finally managed to get all the pieces together last night and get HT up and running. Now comes the troubleshooting phase...

On engine one, are channels 1&2 supposed to be able to make noise, or are they there to assign pitch values to the other two active channels (3&4)? The other engines perform as described in the user manual, but engine one seems to have this odd thing where notes don't sound on channels 1 or 2 by themselves, but if there are notes entered in 1 or 2 it slightly changes the pitch of notes entered in channels 3&4. I'm running HT 3 on a TI-82. Everything seems to be functioning properly otherwise. Could it have something to do with panning? The manual describes channels 1&2 as "Left 1" and "Left 2" and I'm (seemingly) getting only channels 3&4 in both headphones. Does engine one have a built in hard-pan for these channels?. I'm using a cell phone adapter 2.5-3.5 jack, is it maybe giving me a doubled mono right channel as "stereo"?

Thanks in advance for what will most likely be a simple fix. tongue (I'm kinda betting on the headphone adapter being the culprit, but hey.)

Nomad's Land

Yeah that sounds like your adapter. Engine 1 has 4 (more or less) independant tone channels, hardpanned 2l/2r. Probably your adapter doesn't go all the way into the socket. So if possible, scrape away some plastic from the base of the adapter. If you're unlucky you may actually have to scrape away some of the metal base.

Btw not to discourage you, but there are some severe bugs in 0.3, so don't count on it always working properly. Especially saving/loading stuff will fail sometimes. But don't despair, I'm working on HT again, so there will be updates eventually (give me a few months though).

Last edited by irrlichtproject (Feb 13, 2015 12:11 am)