
between dubstep wubs and reason squarewave synth leads, it basically already does.

ohio gozaimasu

chiptune died in 1853


I mean, I still like this site.

Brunswick, GA USA
herr_prof wrote:

between dubstep wubs and reason squarewave synth leads, it basically already does.

Big room house

Playboy Man-Baby
droid-on wrote:

Chema is making some great effort at Mexico, releasing material and with Format DF festival.

Chema64 is fresh as fuck. That's chipmusic you bump in a car.


Not sure what this adds to the discussion at hand, but it's pretty crazy to hear an Anamanaguchi song on a Target commercial, haha. Pop It's a good song, too. So it's possible to blend chiptune and mainstream effectively.

Youngstown, OH

idk I really like the netscene myself. But I guess I've more been on the edm side of things rather than chip anymore


Chiptunes are more likely to get attention in a video game soundtrack.

With that said, does anybody here make chiptune music for the purpose of video games? At CMO, I feel there's a desire to distance the two.

Youngstown, OH
Arc-Demon wrote:

With that said, does anybody here make chiptune music for the purpose of video games? At CMO, I feel there's a desire to distance the two.

You're right, but I've always embraced it. I've written a couple game soundtracks and I learned how to do chip pretty much to learn how the original guys wrote. So I'm biased and think the link is a good thing. Two schools of thought I suppose


we can talk about like. david guetta using square waves and stuff. but... i haven't made any lasting friendships from you might say that is due to my terrible and unloveable personality but BACK IN THE DAY i made a bunch of great friends by pretending to know about the atari demoscene and now it just doesn't work anymore. do i have to "go to gigs" to make friends? i for one resent The Growing Up of The Scene even if it does mean the people you blast your noise channel skronks at are in merzbow tshirts rather than megaman ones these days

seriously miss the 8bc tbh

UK, Leicester

the chipscene is really weird, because everyone is so close, yet so far away at the same time. Pretty much everyone is a friend of a friend, either in a literal sense, or as an actual friend of a friend on facebook. There's also a genre divide kind of thing as well, there's been this whole "chipmusic isn't a genre, it's a way of writing" or whatever, and it's true, compare treyfrey to moby to anamana. You have people who write different genres, all on outdated hardware, and it kind of doesn't work. I can't really see being a good place to have a discussion about music when you have people who write country music, and people who write melodic death metal.
The chip scene isn't big enough, but it isn't small enough either, I see it as being quite bloated and awkward. There are fucking tones of people who write chip, and a fair few more that listen to it, but there aren't enough people who write it to even have an irl scene in most places, not even an underground one. It doesn't really help that the last time I checked, where I live doesn't have a great electronic music scene anyway.
All this "oh we're mainstream now" isn't really true though. Yeah, some people know about anamanaguchi, but that's about it. There's loads of videogame references and nostalgia shite in popular media because the people who grew up playing games are now doing things where they can have nostalgic throwbacks or whatever. It's kinda not fair for the chipscene to take credit for other people's childhood memories.
There's also the weird relationship between writing chip, and writing VGM, some people try and distance themselves from one or the other. It's pretty toxic really, you have people who write "music" and get all snobby about how "it's not from a videogame" even though that's what it sounds like. DUMB PERSONAL BIAS AHEAD, imo the reason that chipmusic isn't very mainstream is because when you say chipmusic to a gamer (let's face it, they're the primary audience of chip) the first thing that tends to come to mind is "low budget indie game." All these kids who want to learn programming tend to get a pretty standard response "oh, so you want to make a "retro" (see:lazy) indie sidescroller with a chiptune soundtrack."
The more and more I write, the less I understand chip, why write any genre of music in a format from a computer from the late 80s with massive limitations? Surely it would just be easier to do [chosen genre] with less limitations on modern kit. Is it bragging, rights or nostalgia or what? To quote sabrepulse;

can't wait to get an ARIA TR-08 and use it with my GAIA SH-01 and JUPITER-80 to make stuff like I can already with NI MASSIVE

tl;dr chipmusic is dead and for nerds anyway

Brunswick, GA USA
Alpine wrote:

the chipscene is really weird, because everyone is so close, yet so far away at the same time. Pretty much everyone is a friend of a friend, either in a literal sense, or as an actual friend of a friend on facebook. There's also a genre divide kind of thing as well, there's been this whole "chipmusic isn't a genre, it's a way of writing" or whatever, and it's true, compare treyfrey to moby to anamana. You have people who write different genres, all on outdated hardware, and it kind of doesn't work. I can't really see being a good place to have a discussion about music when you have people who write country music, and people who write melodic death metal.

Guitar boards do fine anyway, but the discussion is always "how do I..." and "my amp won't..." and all these other bits about technique and intonation and gear. Do you agree that this board is similar?

Alpine wrote:

The more and more I write, the less I understand chip, why write any genre of music in a format from a computer from the late 80s with massive limitations?

Hopefully, because you like it, but I don't disagree. I've reached a point where I want to simplify music making and don't always feel like jogging my memory to work a lot of different trackers.

The genre divide is a bummer, but easy to see coming. People like what they like, and though I see you all wishing Blip was back or 8bc would rise again, there was a lot of music I didn't like that people would celebrate. It's normal.



Last edited by Feryl (Feb 19, 2024 8:35 pm)

Feryl wrote:

You people are such downers...

^ Mmmmhm.

Baja California
Alpine wrote:

chipmusic is dead and for nerds anyway

pretty much the answer to all this.

Last edited by lvlzero (Oct 19, 2014 4:38 pm)

chunter wrote:

I stopped calling it "chiptune" when this site did. Don't forget to search for "chipmusic" too.

Remember also that one of the things that happened is that a lot of artists are pushing past "this is chipmusic" and are simply showing the same music as electronic music, so it won't come up in the search. If anything, lament the loss of marketability. wink

The Chipmusic trend is much more niche. People still get introduced to the genre as "chiptunes" I think. But yeah I never say chiptunes.

I'm all for the maturing of chip music, and artists finding a unique voice. That's how I would do it. I just like to dick around online. And something about the amature, file posting culture is cool/fun to me. Whatever though, I'm not crying about it. *sniff*