Someone on reddit is concerned about the J. Arthur Keenes Band website. Just thought I'd leave this here in case someone with knowledge has the answer.
He was releasing a lot of stuff this year too... hope its just some domain tomfollery.
A wild nitro2k01 appeared and posted an answer on reddit.
He hasn't released anything for a while (considering how prolific he normally is)...Hope all is well.
He's been releasing stuff all summer!
State of online j Arthur keenes scene
too real man, too real
The Bandcamp applet on his Facebook site works perfectly, even for purchasing. Though purchasing through Facebook itself... I dunno, maybe I'm paranoid, lol
though I tried the Congratulations free download link, and it works.
Study of J Arthur Keenes fandom
It's actually about ethics in J Arthur Keenes Journalism?
I think this joke has officially been run into the ground.
I want to be a citizen of the state of J Arthur Keenes
No need to panic folks, just heard back from the man himself. The Bandcamp page should be up and running again!