
Hi guys,

I found my old Gameboys (actually one belonged to my sister) in our attic, and I wanted to clean them up and get them running again for christmas (one as a Gift for my sis, one for LSDJ big_smile).
Both wouldn't start up, no led or display reaction whatsoever to fresh Batteries or 6V power input.
They looked kind of ok from the outside, but after searching for a while I found some pretty "nasty" picture of what the inside might look like.
Fearing the worst (because they haven't been turned on in 16 years (give or take) I opened them up, but compared to the pictures I saw online they actually look clean, and the contacts for the batteries aren't really messed up either.

I was hoping I would be able to just find the broken part and replace it (heavy corrossion or something like that), but no dice...

My last hope, as far as I can tell, is to get my hands on some circuit plans (if that's what they are called), so I can measure each individual part with a multimeter and try to find the problem.

Does anyone have an idea where I could get that? I have also contacted Nintendo Support, but no answer so far.

If anyone thinks it might be something else, I can also upload some pictures.

Hope you guys can help me out smile


Minneapolis, MN

How are the battery contacts? even a little corrosion can cause a huge voltage drop.


They are currenctly soaking in vinegar, soon to be cleaned with cleaner solvent.
I just tried another Power Outlet a friend dropped by..seems like mine is defective -.- The gameboy that isn't completely disassembled at the moment worked with it. The battery contacts don't look corroded, but I'm not taking chances big_smile
I will finish cleaning this gameboy, reassemble it and try it with the new power outlet, then clean the other one anyways : )


One evening of taking apart, cleaning and reassembling later.. big_smile

Sorry for the useless thread..but I did not see that one coming tbh..