Looking for something to run LSDJ, Piggy, and the Pikilipita VJ software. Needs to have the A/V cables. would like to keep the price <100 usd.
youre very unlikely to find either for under $100, especially with the a/v cables
If anyone has one that they feel is reasonably priced, they should let me know.
They are pretty darn rare, and people who own them usually don't sell them used unless something on them breaks.
I have an AV adapter I can sell ya if you find a GP2x
They are pretty darn rare, and people who own them usually don't sell them used unless something on them breaks.
yeah, im about to sell a gp2x f200 for parts since the sd card slot died on it
selling my a/v cable and piggy->midi too
how much yall looking for AV cables shipped to UK? Haha e.s.c ive been on about buying this damn cable since about 4 years before 8bc went down.
plus yeah, OP: in the UK, you'd be looking at about 70GBP for either these days, and that would be fairly lucky.
how much yall looking for AV cables shipped to UK? Haha e.s.c ive been on about buying this damn cable since about 4 years before 8bc went down.
not sure what id ask for the cable itself, but shipping alone would cost about $15... hadnt gotten to thinking about pricing yet since the gp2x death was recent
arfink wrote:They are pretty darn rare, and people who own them usually don't sell them used unless something on them breaks.
yeah, im about to sell a gp2x f200 for parts since the sd card slot died on it
selling my a/v cable and piggy->midi too
Is there another way to load games onto it? and how much would you be willing to sell it for as is?
Raspberry PI can also run all the required software you are looking for.
Raspberry PI can also run all the required software you are looking for.
If I wanted to use a computer, I would just run resolume on my mac (which I already do)
A lot of the appeal of it to me is the fact that it's a handheld games console.
Kitsch really ought to make a kit...
Domu wrote:how much yall looking for AV cables shipped to UK? Haha e.s.c ive been on about buying this damn cable since about 4 years before 8bc went down.
not sure what id ask for the cable itself, but shipping alone would cost about $15... hadnt gotten to thinking about pricing yet since the gp2x death was recent
well give me a shout man, i call dibs!