Argentina, Buenos Aires

Hello everyone, i have a blank project screen after a random reboot on my PSP. Can i recover my work? The project load the samples but not the chains and patterns. The .DAT file is there but the project loads blank. Im using a 1.53m_051 LGPT cn a PSP 3010 firmware 6.60 PRO-B9

Last edited by naku (Jan 8, 2015 3:21 pm)

Abandoned on Fire

Try renaming the project folder to something like lgpt_project (no caps or odd characters).

Argentina, Buenos Aires

thank u for answering @egr, that didin't worked. I had problem with other tracks too. The problem appears on advanced tracks when you have some samples on the ram. When yo double hit in the instrument slot, the first time appears a new instrument slot (empty) with no samples on, if u hit again to create a new instrument with another number the PSP resets and your work is lost.
There's someone with problems like mine?

Abandoned on Fire

Oh, that's bad.  You may be exceeding the ram limit of the psp.  I think it's 64MB for the 3000.  Or it could be that you're editing instruments while the project is playing?  That causes crashes sometimes and could cause you to loose unsaved work.

Argentina, Buenos Aires

there's no known way to fix the dameged .dat file @egr?

Argentina, Buenos Aires

the DAT file works great on piggy in OSX, so i will continuo working that song there. Thanx @egr for the support!