music theory raised as a musical desire at a certain step of my musical life
spent +/- 15 years of playing many styles of musics on a few different instruments (Guitar, Bass, percussions, Reason3) and suddenly realised that I was ''not soooo bad at improvisation, groove, licks and so on) but acted as if I was ''blind''
doing everything by ear, relying on feeling only
felt the urge of ''understanding things'' with the secret hope of getting higher than this rather flat ''pentatonic'' chorus or riffs I was always jerking again and again
picked up the flute, where you do have to have a minimum theory background to survive (and pentatonic by hear do not help much)
got to understand the various basic concepts of intervals, scales, chords building, harmonizing
then picked up the bluesharp, where you DO have to be confident with circle of fifth and modes... and then applied this back to all other instruments I play (well, kind of)
last week a friend of mine asked for a quick featuring on blues harp on a tune
instead of jumping right into it with trial and error, I got a look at the chords ''well main thing is in C, but it should sound nice playing mixolydian on it, so i'll try to play some short phrases arround Bb, A and resolve on C''
theory does not tell you what notes to play and turns your music into a robot feelingless thing, but gives you a kind of a frame, which makes that you can focus on other things than ''ho god, hope that next note will be in tune''
helps to develop a more elaborate (not necessarily meaning complicated), organized language
and it is actually very pleasant
oops, was a bit long, sorry...