i see some interesting stuff going on there!... space invaders at top left, some papercraft toys, a doremon. rest of the lauch bag! on the mid-left or something like that!...oh and that crappy robot witch i dont understand... esta es tu oficina/puesto de trabajo alla en mtvla?
esta es tu oficina/puesto de trabajo alla en mtvla?
si que si
you know, when you got too many tools, its hard to find the right one... Wheres my fuckin triwing???
HAHAHAHA this remind me those pens with many colors like this -->http://franmg83.files.wordpress.com/200 icolor.jpg
@xero, :DDDD thx, there is a version of that one with 4 colores, here is... CLICK MEW
@all the ppl who love ui, really thx! )) .... i hate you all!!!....jking...
@enso: it reminds me of "a clockwork orange."