Hello everyone. I recently prosounded 3 DMGs. However while playing around I noticed some strange noises.
I'm not sure if they are normal (as in "to be expected") or if I screwed up the mods somehow.
2 of them are prosounded to pre-pot while the 3rd is prosounded to post-pot. (I'm not sure if this makes any difference for that matter)
The 3rd one however also got a LED-backlight installed (the RGBx3 from kitsch) and is very noisy compared to the others.
Also I noticed (on all the DMGs) when syncing them up I can hear the linkport-sync talking over to the prosound-jack.
Might this be caused by (my) bad wire-routing in the DMG?
I'd love to play using the backlighted one but if that noise is normal behaviour I'd rather use a lightbulb instead ;-)
Thank you for reading, madpew