chr15m + fenris , square sounds melbourne 2015
Here's some Conquer Monster footage recovered by Skynet from a broken T-800's data storage device :
Live on May 10th, 2014 at the Urban Lounge in Salt Lake City, UT.
some nanoloop in Long Beach, CA
at some random warehouse
not really a chipshow just playing in between
some HxC bands
Boomtown 2014
8 bit reggae rap
Last edited by JodyBigfoot (May 14, 2015 12:07 pm)
This was from a small show I played lastnight in Vegas with Hide Your Tigers, De La Decay, and Whatbecame

Our release party for 12, accordingly released on 12" vinyl. Buy shit m/releases
finally edited and uploaded a few more videos from my archives, i'll be uploading one more set each week for the next few months to this same vimeo account (and i'll add the new ones to this thread every few weeks)
Square Sounds Festival, Melbourne 2016!
Video footage courtesy of xspheric.
Last edited by freezedream (Mar 24, 2016 12:04 pm)
Square Sounds Festival, Melbourne 2016!
Video footage courtesy of xspheric.
loved your set, one of the highlights of the festival for sure!
here's one of mine from last year:
here's one of mine from last year:
awesome visuals and music, man.
My first Wholesome Family Music show ever. Playing chipthrash at a bar with such highlights as awkward, nervous stage presence and my cable coming out when I jumped off stage. Good times.
accidental double post
Last edited by Wholesome Family Music (Mar 26, 2016 2:44 pm)
coming soon: sets from 2011 by saskrotch, br1ght pr1mate, disasterpeace... also think i have unedited stuff somewhere from Bleep South gig in Florida in 2010, plus anything i've uploaded on vimeo already and forgot to post here or have edited already and forgot to upload in the first place... eventually a bunch of e.s.c. sets too, but those are the lowest priority
Last edited by e.s.c. (Apr 11, 2016 12:47 am)