
For those who know, it is possible to use the Midi Bastl as a midi sync device for NL or LSDJ, and it is able to sync with analog gear such as the Volca, Monotribe or modular. The resolution of the clock is 2ppqn (one pulse each 2 steps) that is the standard for the korg little boxes (but not for the modular sequencers, that will run half the speed).
So, I planned to use it to sync my volcas and an analog sequencer that I've had with the gameboy, but I never did it.
I ordered two custom chips directly at Bastl (Vaclaw and Leos).
So, I have that Midi Bastl, coming with two additional chips : the one that is for the sync with the gameboy, and another one that will send 4ppqn pluse to sync with modular gear (one pulse each step).
For the sync with the gameboy, you'll have to build a "link port to midi/din" cable (the same ones that you use with an Arduinoboy) - I know you can do it
I want, let's say 40€ for that. I'm open to trades, and I accept Paypal.
I can ship anywhere as you pay the shipping cost (in case of a sale, of course).
For more precisions about it, check :
and … idi-bastl/

Last edited by Insert Joint (Mar 31, 2015 3:14 pm)


Sold !