Those look expensive for just two rom chips. I usually buy in bulk (like 30 at a time) so I am usually only paying $1 per chip. but when buying one or two at a time 2-4 dollars is what I would be looking for. The commodore is a very old machine so buying vintage eproms is fair game too if you see any.
also if you're feeling adventurous you can load up a larger eprom with several small prg files and use dip switches to access the various addresses.
These boards will give you 2 roms on one cart switchable with the dip switch:
Theres also board variations for up to 8 roms on one cart.
(if you're curious how to prepare the rom files, you just have to combine them using a command prompt window. something like:
copy /b rom1.bin+rom2.bin output.bin
and burning that output rom to a larger eprom will put both the programs in the right addresses for that dip switchable board.
admittedly this might be overkill if all you care about is getting cynthcart in an economical way. 
Last edited by TylerBarnes (Apr 8, 2015 6:46 am)