Hi everybody!
I'm Nicola Giacomelli, also know as Overcesium. I'm a freelance artist, i make animations and cool graphic arts.
I simply LOVE the chiptune scene, so i started to apply special discounts on commissions, only for chiptune artists!
Please take a look to this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elqqdnxcgEs
Here's my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/overcesium?fref=photo
my Tumblr blog: http://nicolagiacomelli.tumblr.com/
and the t-shirt shop: http://www.redbubble.com/people/overcesium
And just to add more links, i'm a writer for http://www.8-b.it/ a site dedicated to support the italian Micromusic scene.
You may probably have seen me in some facebook group such as "Chiptunes=Win" or "Micromusic Italy".
Ciao and see you soon!