Hello guys, Today I bought from ebay atari with cubase and want to make in future vga mod and stereo mod. Can anybody leave schemas of this mod. I want to add holes for RCA (audio) and 9-pin VGA into the box of atari. May be somebody have make it yet and can help with advice?
And as a new user of atari with out mod, what should I add and bought for atari. What problems I will have in future?
Sorry for new topic
damn, if you ever want to sell cubase and the dongle please give me a shout!
you look pretty well set though, the OS is built in, and youve got the midi softwares and stuff. Just find the schema and mod that bad boy. Then sell me cubase if you break it! hahaaa
have fun, sorry i cant be more help!
The High res mode should work with a VGA monitor and a adaptor cable ( on ebay) is the easiest. For med/color res on a VGA Monitor, you will need a scan converter and the hitch is the ST's scan rate is odd ball. There are threads over at AtariAge that you should look into. There is also a project over there by Kjmann for a component video adaptor that may interest you.
To move progs from PC to ST and back you will want to either have a floppy drive in you PC or a SD card hard drive emu like Ultrasatan. Lotharek has some options you may want to see, http://www.lotharek.pl/product.php?pid=90
For a stereo mod I remember seeing a thread on Atariage, but one problem with separating the AY channels is play back of some music that relies on the mono output; doesn't sound right on stereo. Some say it's really bad with digi samples. But the basic mod seems easy to do, look for the one with a mono/stereo switch.
Dont forget to DL MaxYMiser http://www.preromanbritain.com/maxymiser/
Good luck and have fun,
Yogi, I find that mod stereo http://rdemming.home.xs4all.nl/Atari/StereoST/ and can I add second sound chip (like sid2sid on commodore)?
And for upgrade memory for Atari STF version I should find "Marpet kit", but I can't find it anywhere. May be exist some alternatives?
And can MaxYMiser be slave in midi clock. What trackers has midi support?
Yogi, I find that mod stereo http://rdemming.home.xs4all.nl/Atari/StereoST/ and can I add second sound chip (like sid2sid on commodore)?
Yes thats the mod I was thinking about. Don't think there is a 2 YM chip mod but if you find a schema for one please post.
And for upgrade memory for Atari STF version I should find "Marpet kit", but I can't find it anywhere. May be exist some alternatives?
Looks like Best Electronics has the Marpet kit listed http://www.best-electronics-ca.com/520_1040.htm#TT
And can MaxYMiser be slave in midi clock. What trackers has midi support?
And from the MaxYMiser FAQ,
"Selectable 5 channel MIDI input with program change, MIDI clock slave and drum pad support"
Is it real to install TOS 2.06 UK on 1040 STF model? And how?
Is it real to install TOS 2.06 UK on 1040 STF model? And how?
it is possible, but its much more difficult than an STe, since as I recall the TOS ROM sockets are smaller and you need a 6 chip kit. anyway, i'm not sure why you would need more memory or TOS 2.06 if you are just going to do chip music on it.
"For med/color res on a VGA Monitor, you will need a scan converter and the hitch is the ST's scan rate is odd ball. "
^^ this is not actually the reason why. any 15khz interlaced scan video will need a converter for VGA, including Amiga, C64 etc etc
stress_tn wrote:Is it real to install TOS 2.06 UK on 1040 STF model? And how?
it is possible, but its much more difficult than an STe, since as I recall the TOS ROM sockets are smaller and you need a 6 chip kit. anyway, i'm not sure why you would need more memory or TOS 2.06 if you are just going to do chip music on it.
It really depends on the motherboard, the 1040 STFM I have, has footprints for 6 ROMs but only uses two ROMs.
As far as ram, yea it's not an easy thing to take on. Even with the Marpet upgrade, you will need to disable/remove the original DRAMs.
"For med/color res on a VGA Monitor, you will need a scan converter and the hitch is the ST's scan rate is odd ball. "
^^ this is not actually the reason why. any 15khz interlaced scan video will need a converter for VGA, including Amiga, C64 etc etc
Sorry, There are some multi-sync VGA monitors that will work with the low/med res signal. Even with a scan converter there are issues, so go with a model that is 'known good'.
I just bought a super cheep composite to VGA converter from ebay; while it kind of works it's not very good. The med res display is unreadable; low res is ok but BW only. It works so-so with other video sources, some better then others. So while it didn't cost very much, ~$10, it is limited.
Here is some pages that may be useful:
http://info-coach.fr/atari/hardware/vid … t_monitors
http://atariage.com/forums/topic/230561 … cd-1970vx/
Remember one other thing, Cubase is great sequencing software but outputs midi messages for an external synth or tone generator, If you're looking for the ST's YM sound you will need qwEm's MaxYMser; it's the best.