Oh well, seeing nobody answered, here's some pirate/unlicensed crap for you
Sorry for the double post.
Exodus: Journey to the promise land (heaps of you have probably seen this before but oh well!)
I'm in no way religious, bought because it's an interesting unlicensed cart by the infamous Color Dreams Inc AKA Bunch Games or Wisdom Tree.
Note the unusual custom cart design and custom rom? Haven't been able to find any info on that chip at all.

A pretty standard GAME USA COLOR ADVANCE 32 in 1
Has Phillips screw, very obvious poor mold of original cart shell, has "NINTENDO GAMEBOY™, Made in JAPAN & Pat Pend" even though we all know that ain't true 
COB, with three jumpers unsoldered, yet to try these, but will post results when I do. 6 Games which repeat from memory.
Has two numbers on the rear, "UC-32A01" stamped after manufacture (same as the number on the cart sticker) and "BC-TO8JM" on the PCB
Unsure of what the whitish crap is on the top of the PCB, I thought it was corrosion initially, but it appears to be some sort of paint, won't scratch/buff off.

Super 32 in 1 "Godzilla"
Has Gamebit screw, very well made shell, could easily pass as an original. Has "NINTENDO GAMEBOY™, Made in JAPAN & Pat Pend"
COB, with three jumpers, all were soldered. Bridging the top two makes the cart boot the menu as normal, desoldering makes the cart boot the first game only, bypassing the menu. The bottom jumper has had the trace cut, which you can faintly see in the picture, originally went to ground, attaching either pad to ground boots first game only.
Also has provision for a cap.
3 Games which repeat.

Sorry if this is just boring crap, just though someone might find it interesting.
I have many more, but I'll just leave this here for now.
Last edited by DaRkO (Oct 24, 2013 2:19 pm)