So I picked up an LSDJMC2 on Ebay (Some guy was building and selling them I guess). It has no labels on buttons/LEDs so I have no Idea what is what. Anyway, I read the manual, which wasn't super helpful since, again nothing is labeled, but it said that it goes into LSDJ sync mode by default as soon as it is turned on. I figured that meant I didn't have to do anything so I threw my GB into Slave mode and tried hitting start on the MPC, but alas nothing happened on the GB. So I hit start on the GB and it started but nowhere near in time with the MPC. It wasnt even in time with itself for that matter. The time is super irregular and it even crashes sometimes.
I think one of the LEDs is supposed to blink the clock tempo but they all just blink at random times and the blue one just stays on all the time.
Also sorry if this was the wrong place to post this. Wasn't sure.
Last edited by KidCharibdis (May 31, 2015 1:50 am)