Yo. Don't know if someone out there has a better technique for this, but I've been working on creating a slap bass for an upcoming remix I'm working on. There were definitely some dudes that helped get me closer to my goal, such as: Hypnogram, Solarbear, Indoors, Roboctopus, and many others. You guys really know your shit!
Here's the soundcloud link to the song: I Wish ~ cover
Here are the settings for what I have so far :
This is the "normal" bass wav. This is instrument 01 and it is set to manual.
This is the "slap" wav. This is instrument 00. It is also set to manual.
This is the slap table and it is applied only to instrument 00
This is an example of the programming I used. (note: there is also a kick in there)
Let me know what you guys think about it. I personally think its getting pretty close. As Solarbear pointed out, it's crucial to understand how an instrument produces its' tonalities; that helped immensely. Slap/funk (and other bass) players tend to use a lot of ghost/dead notes, so it's important to emulate that.
s/o to my main man Stevie Wonder and his track *I Wish*
Edit #1: Hypnogram mentions that he copied the slap wav, notched a few pixels, and used F commands for a greater tonal range for the slappy.
Edit #2: changed the link to the finished song, updated with the roboctopus wav.
Last edited by infodrive (Jun 7, 2015 6:47 pm)