Cookeville, TN

EDIT: Meh. Thread derailed and I already had a separate thread for WTB stuff so I merged them into one thread.

Last edited by Josh-Shmosh (Jul 6, 2015 3:45 am)

London, UK

.....and how about you send me the DMG that I payed for 4 MONTHS AGO?!

PS: Don't bother editing your old account ( @PianoGameboy ), I already took all the screenshots I need smile

Cookeville, TN

SonicBoy, I've tried to get in touch with you. Email me at so we can either get this sorted out or I can send you a refund.

London, UK

No, you haven't. Your last message is from 8th may. I sent you 5 messages since then.

Anyway, yeah, let's get this sorted.

Cookeville, TN

› Old text spoiler'd because strikethrough text isn't working???

EDIT: Refund issued! smile

Last edited by Josh-Shmosh (Jul 6, 2015 2:56 am)

London, UK

Refund received. PMing you smile