I'm using lsdj for few time and i have two question (maybe the topic already exist but i'm french and my english level is too weak to search in all the archives)
My first question : is there a shortcut or somethings else to cancel a bad move (if i do a mistake), like a CTRL+Z
Second question : in lsdj we just can put the note in the 16 location of the part (quarter note), how is it possible to work with little element (like eighth note or sixtennth note)
Thank you so much for your comprehension
First Question: I'm afraid not. You just kind of get used to un-messing up your stuff.
Second Question: You can work with 8th and 16th notes by changing the groove setting of your phrases. The default groove of LSDJ has each sequencer step take 6 ticks, but with groove you can make each step take 3 ticks and get 8th notes or even begin messing around with swing and triplets. Here's more info: http://littlesounddj.wikia.com/wiki/Tri wing_HOWTO and http://www.littlesounddj.com/lsd/latest _4_0_0.pdf (Page 21)
Last edited by Dire Hit (Sep 5, 2015 8:41 am)
I like to run LSDJ in an emulator on my PC and frequently save the state of the emulation in case I need to undo something.
By default, each frame of the phrase screen is one 16th note relative to the tempo entered in the project screen. 8th notes are the even number frames and quarter notes every four frames (0, 4, 8, C). If you need 32nd notes you can set the groove to 3 ticks per frame.
Bon chance!