Okay so i tired googling and such but i don't know where to look, Can you guys recommend me some dark, alternative or metal made with LSDJ, if not other chip based mediums are cool too. thanks for reading
Super Busty Samurai Monkey are Lsdj + Microkorg + Drums.
They've got an upcoming 12" funnily named 12 , due to release september 28th.
They love speaking in the third person.
Super Busty Samurai Monkey are Lsdj + Microkorg + Drums.
They've got an upcoming 12" funnily named 12 , due to release september 28th.
They love speaking in the third person.
Ha cool ill be sure to check it when its released Do you have any stuff online already to check out?
Do you have any stuff online already to check out?
Oh derp i forgot that profiles link to music
can't say off the top of my head who used lsdj on which releases, but for darker chip stuff Datathrash is always a good bet
Thanks guys ill have a dig through datatrash, and thanks Feryl those tracks are cool but not quite what I'm looking for
https://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/l … night-kids (C64) and
https://datathrash.bandcamp.com/album/w … hrash-city (LSDJ)
Are both pretty cool, just for examples for anyone whose interested too
Also Who Stole The Cookies From The Cookie Jar, vile_plume, Abandoned on Fire and The Mist Toggles. Get heavy boy.
You're in luck! This just happened: http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/17069 … ster-more/
^^Listen to this guys stuff 'Abandoned On Fire'^^
I tried to make this one sounding quite melancholic, I don't know if I succeeded but anyway: https://soundcloud.com/garvalf/la-dame- … e-du-chene
(more to come sooner or later)
Well it's not LSDJ, it's all made in Klystrack.... but I do think this fits the bill for "dark and melancholic"
(yes... shameless self promotion)
not very metal, more sort of techno/electronic/idm/ stuff but avoids chirpy happy lsdj stuff.
ovenrake, Secret Lab, kraettz, Dot.AY, Da Pantz,
oh and Silent Requiem Silent Requiem Silent Requiem