Thought I might bring us up ... D&D Sluggers Since no ones else will... we're not completely chiptune... (SELF POST)
The Depreciation Guild were a Chipgaze (Chiptune Shoegaze) band and are prolly my fave with vocals. You can buy their LPs on iTunes, or first just download "Stuck Pig" (from Nautilus) for free from 8-bitpeoples to check them out.
check our rap out
Trinity Lo Fi (youtube it)
It's been going down really well at gigs recently
and my label owner - Soom T
edit - specifically soom T and disrupt - ode to a carrot
Last edited by JodyBigfoot (Sep 17, 2015 7:49 pm)
Last edited by katsumbhong (Sep 17, 2015 3:59 pm)
Gidropony would be my personal choice. Alone In The Universe is pretty dope too, if you like pop-punkish things.
Last edited by Imaginary (Sep 18, 2015 1:59 am)
Seconded. Her nonchalant yet emotional vocal style is top notch, and the guitar/gameboy relationship in this band is fantastic.
Ok how has nobody mentioned Victory Road's self-titled?
Why don't I know about 75% of these people?
obviously myself XD … t-gensek-l