I know that HxC boasts support for a wider variety of computers but, assuming I'm installing a Gotek floppy emulator in an Amiga 500, is there any difference between Cortex and HxC?
You can install the HxC firmware on a Cortex device now.
You can install the HxC firmware on a Cortex device now.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I've got a Gotex floppy emulator and I want to know whether to flash it with Cortex or HxC.
why do people still use floppies on amiga? is it strictly for games or demos? i removed the floppy from my 600 ages ago and replaced it with a terminator... http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/cat … cts_id=832
why do people still use floppies on amiga? is it strictly for games or demos? i removed the floppy from my 600 ages ago and replaced it with a terminator... http://amigakit.leamancomputing.com/cat … cts_id=832
I don't want to use floppies, I want to use a USB drive. Hence this thread.
EDIT: Let me add that I use my Amiga for live performances and bringing an external device is a hassle and that I'm aiming to move all of my performance devices away from any form of mechanical storage.
Last edited by jefftheworld (Sep 17, 2015 3:54 am)
i guess i meant why even are floppy disk images used instead of say a bootable compact flash card? by external devices do you mean something like the aca500?
Maybe Jeff doesn't have a machine with an IDE port like an A600 or 1200, and doesn't have an ACA500 on his A500. Dunno. Floppy images do seem inconvenient but I have machines where I can avoid using them.
The HxC software is much more advanced, the Gotek one is rather precarious. I don't know what exactly you want to do with the floppy images, if it's read only, the standard Gotek Amiga firmware should be OK I guess.
You are much better off getting an IDE solution for your Amiga and run everything off a compactflash card. Yeah it will not be as cheap as a Gotek. Welcome to Amiga
Last edited by akira^8GB (Sep 17, 2015 4:26 am)
What types of IDE solutions can be mounted inside an A500? I just need to run ProTracker V2.3d and access my modules. I always felt that a larger IDE solution was overkill but I'm open to other opinions.
I'd love to eventually get a June Bug and replace the HDD with a CF solution, but it seems that it's rare for people to sell A600s where I'm from and shipping from overseas is costly.
Last edited by jefftheworld (Sep 17, 2015 4:51 am)
You have to fish for it because they are not currently made (a new batch might be incoming), but an IDE68k would be the cheapest and neatest option for an A500.
My suggestion is that whatever money you intend to throw on an A500, you save for an A600 or 1200.
I'm thinking of selling two of my PAL A600s, the ones I use for DJing, but am unsure. You can find them on eBay though, but again, you can't expect them to be cheap.
Last edited by akira^8GB (Sep 17, 2015 5:06 am)
ive never owned a 500 so i cant really say, but it seems like the aca500 is pretty popular, i imagine there will be more stock soon. it also seems like the best bang for your dollar... you get ide and an accelerator, and can accelerate even further with one of the aca1200 accelerators as an expansion.
personally i cant imagine the pain in the ass running software or loading modules from floppies, whether its a real floppy or emulated floppy. but as long as you are making music, who cares? i dont think you have to ditch your 500 for 600 or better... i just think there are better options for your 500 than floppy emulation... unless its strictly for software that requires a physical disk sector level floppy present to run. that doesn't sound like the case though...
... you can't expect them to be cheap.
but you can expect them to be lovely