As you wished, I announce the new tracker I made in the last 2 months for the Commodore Plus4 computer's TED chip.
(It works on Commodore16 and Commodore64 too, and simulates TED on the SID-chip of the latter.)
I've been C64 user for many years and didn't actually care about the Plus4/C16, as I've heard TED chip has very poor sound. But in the last months I really got in love with this tiny Plus4, it has a lot of nice features and improvements to the older machines. And you can bring out much more from the TED chip than you would first think when you read its parameters. (Check out my runnable example-tunes.)
TEDzakker tries to bring these extra sound capabilities to you...
Here are the corresponding links:
Have a nice composing...
In case you have any question, post it here or write to me at
Last edited by hermit (Oct 2, 2015 8:05 pm)