
As you wished, I announce the new tracker I made in the last 2 months for the Commodore Plus4 computer's TED chip.
(It works on Commodore16 and Commodore64 too, and simulates TED on the SID-chip of the latter.)

I've been C64 user for many years and didn't actually care about the Plus4/C16, as I've heard TED chip has very poor sound. But in the last months I really got in love with this tiny Plus4, it has a lot of nice features and improvements to the older machines. And you can bring out much more from the TED chip than you would first think when you read its parameters. (Check out my runnable example-tunes.)
TEDzakker tries to bring these extra sound capabilities to you...

Here are the corresponding links:

Have a nice composing...
In case you have any question, post it here or write to me at

Last edited by hermit (Oct 2, 2015 8:05 pm)

West Yorks, UK

hermit, Szia!

awesome! I wish i hadnt scrapped my near-useless c16 now, Boscanot! sad I will check out your work when I can, and i'm looking forward to it keep it up! Egeszegedre! (Sorry for my poor spelling! hopefully you understand my attempts at Hungarian!) smile


Good luck with the C16, Domu. Good to hear there will be interest and testing for the C16 version, though you have to know that you can't export runnable right on the C16 and its capabilities are quite limited due to the memory limit of 16kbyte... Still you can save, loand and edit/listen small workfiles on C16, at least... smile

According to what cArrion said at the CSDB release page, I'm curious what 4mat will say about this TED music tool TEDzakker...
I hope I made it easy-to-use enough...

West Yorks, UK

Im sure 4mat will speak up on what he thinks! I will probably try out TEDzakker on the c64, I just wish I had a way to get my c16 back...
...and you didnt insult my horrible attempts to spell the Hungarian words i know, so thank you! tongue


Finally some good use for that Plus4 that I have in my closet!


I'm not that familiar with the release system of
Has anyone released a tune here already that was composed with TEDzakker?
I'd be interested what other people could get out of TED. smile