wake me up when it has FM capabilities
Is that an easy enough process that I can do myself? It's already on my the cart being sent to me but if I want to add extra sample kits I'll obviously have to patch the rom again.
Yeah it's super easy. I used GBA Tool Advance which is available here: http://www.no-intro.org/tools.htm
MIrror here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2JWZb sp=sharing
Just use the tool to "fix header" and that's it!
Can confirm pulse channels work on the micro, but they don't sound very good. It may just be my instrument settings though. I'm not in the mood to experiment with FAT just yet so it may be a while before I start writing tracks with it, but it seems to be ok!
Can confirm pulse channels work on the micro, but they don't sound very good. It may just be my instrument settings though. I'm not in the mood to experiment with FAT just yet so it may be a while before I start writing tracks with it, but it seems to be ok!
Are you able to save? Crashes for me.
Yes you can
although I need to know if I still have my save file
Haven't tried saving! Might give it a go on the way home tonight.
It crashed if I saved while playing the track on my micro. It did successfully save though. Seems like saving worked better when playback was paused.
Saving is a bit strange...
I have an EZ Flash 3-in-1. It allows booting of GBA ROMs from a DS flashcard (rom lost at poweroff), and flashing of one rom to the cart that can be booted without a DS flash card. (So... it basically becomes like a regular GBA cartridge.)
When the rom is booted from my DS flash card menu, it's impossible to save. The save screen text becomes garbled and the program makes a clicking noise until poweroff. When it's flashed to temporary or "regular GBA cartridge" memory with a program called GBA ExpLoader, saving works fine. I've never run into another rom that didn't save just from my flash cart's menu.
This program does just make me want to get an actual GBA flash cart, rather than one that mostly relies on a DS flash cart.
Works quite nicely for me.
Through a freak accident with the postal service I ended up with an EZ Flash IV and an EMS 64 USB Smart Card.
I still prefer LSDJ, but I want to see what happens with this.
Saving is brilliant, Live mode is cool, but I haven't gone into all the channels that far yet.
Last edited by Harpseal (Nov 8, 2015 6:31 pm)
Hi there !
First of all, I would like to apologize for the looooooong silence -_- (It was a really busy life for several month ^^)
Second, a big thanks to all of you for testing, liking or even unliking FAT ! This is cool !
For the logo problem, the No$GBA debugger inform me there was a problem about some "bad logo" stuff. Unfortunately, I was unable to fix it and seems to trouble only on EZiV. So, I "ignored" it. I'm gonna add the no-intro tools onto the compiling chain. Many thanks for the solution.
Also, there are some problems with saving on EZIV (erf ... again -_-). Perhaps linked with the logo, maybe not ... dunno for the moment.
I'm "currently" working (in fact, I'm going to work on it again) on an english translation for the documentation (my english is not perfect, hope you'll understand)
Finally, FAT is free and open-source ! Feel free to get hands on it if you wish so ! I'm pretty sure there are people here which are far away better than me (FM are pretty hard mathematics for me for example). Here is the github : https://github.com/cbrouillard/furiousadvancetracker My best wish would be to have a new contributor in order to really make FAT progress and live !
See ya
Hey Spintronic! Happy to get news from you!
And thanks for making FAT open source!
I've had a bit of a play with this and it sounds lovely. Saving works on the BennVenn cart so it's nice for writing tunes that aren't appropriate for nanoloop's structure/sound design. One small thing though, and I haven't read the manual yet, but is it possible to chromatically pitch the sounds in the included kits? They're obviously samples that are designed to play melodies but when I place them in patterns only the root notes can be entered for each sound in the kit (like in LSDJ). Any ideas?
The rom builder isn't working for me. I put samples in a kit, clicked the check box and hit build. booted up in vba and on my flash cart and it says 000 kits... anybody know what's up or how to fix this?
Fixed: some of my samples were too long. I'm going to do some tests with graduating sample lengths to see what the max length is so I can adjust accordingly
Fixed2: Apparently it had nothing to do with length because I just passed a rather long sample I thought was problematic and everything showed up fine. must've been a glitch.
Last edited by NoyzBotChip (Jan 16, 2016 5:47 am)
FAT updated to v1.2.0 recently, see Spintronic's tweet here: https://twitter.com/Spintr0nic/status/8 6131170305
Oh hey, it's now v1.3.0-RC1. http://twitter.com/Spintr0nic/status/865909544500776960
ROMs and stuff at http://brouillard.me/shared/