Boise, ID

Hey all. I'm trying to get the Thursday Customs v2 hex switch working in a DMG. (
The screen doesn't invert at all, instead it glitches heavily; pixels sort of "bleed" in vertical columns from where they should be, kind of like the falling Matrix numbers, whole sections of the screen cut in and out sporadically, things move around in static and waves, etc. all on it's own. It actually looks like a pretty cool circuit bend... but nothing is shorted out. The solder points are good, things are wired where they should be, I've undone and redone the work several times, yet I still have the same results.
Throwing the bat switch doesn't invert/revert the screen, but it does change up the glitching.
When I pull the whole kit out completely and reconnect things to their default, the screen works properly. The screen also works fine with other DMG motherboards so it's not the ribbon cable. The kit causes the same issues when installed to other motherboards.
I'm really at a loss here, I've done all I can think of to troubleshoot.... anyone have any suggestions? Thank you

Last edited by ShintarouMusic (Nov 27, 2015 12:19 pm)


Are you sure you have successfully cut the two PCB traces as indicated?

Boise, ID
nitro2k01 wrote:

Are you sure you have successfully cut the two PCB traces as indicated?

Hey Nitro, I desoldered and lifted the pins of interest. That ought to suffice for cutting the connection there, right?