Is there any interest in a budget NES Flash cart?
I've ordered a few of the 'Coolboy xxx in 1' carts and with a little effort they are re-flashable. I'm designing a daughter board that fits between the 60 pin cart and the 72pin adaptor board, and will enable USB uploading of ROM's to the cart. All contained within the NES Cartridge.
There is a requirement to lift 2 pins of the Flash IC (RD + WE) and solder them to the daughter board. If this sounds a little too complicated, I can sell them pre-modded.
Also, you can use the daughterboard as a stand-alone 60 pin flasher. You'll still need to lift and solder those two pins to a small socket but it will turn a $5 Coolboy cart into a pretty cool flash cart.
Links: … 11547.html … 13816.html
Let me know what you think!
Price? Aiming for under $20 for the assembled board