Jazzmarazz wrote:[
I'll keep an eye on your project for sure. And yeah, I switched the Teensy for a 3.1 like you mentioned because it is 5v tolerant and runs much faster. I feel like the extra memory and speed could be used to store samples, without the use of teh CHR space.
Yea, the Teensy 3.1 will beat the pants off the ATMega168! At it's speed, won't have to worry too much about a stripped down synth engine. And should be able to do raw PCM samples from SD maybe.
There was another thread about the CM, with some info about the CPLD logic. It's a very simple 'program' loop, and in theory should allow very fast access. If I recall, about 15 instructions(EDIT:cycles) long. Here is the nesdev.org thread with Kevtris' design
He explains the loop and the interface to the uC. Beyond this hardware, the uC does everything else - process Midi messages, convert Midi messages to 2A03 register values, manage sound FX like arps or slides or whatever and then sends data to interface.
Last edited by yogi (Feb 7, 2016 1:40 am)