Solar System

I have buyed car parking camera with LCD and there was super cute 5" LCD under 40Euro...
It works with SEGA MD and 8BIT Atari...

Adelaide, Australia

+1 For a car reversing camera. Deal Extreme sell a selection of those fairly cheap and it's large enough if you only want it for viewing close up.


I dunno what You need dude. RGB, VGA or HDMI (for the Raspberry Pi 2, for instance)?

Finally I got the VGA one, for modern ZX Spectrums like Eva or Speccy2010. And it was this one:

Seems like this one however has all 3 inputs/modes. And it's still 7" only.

Good luck.

Whoa these are both awesome! I know it's probably impossible but I wonder now if I could find something that I could plug my NTSC Amiga 500 into. Protracker 2.3d runs default in PAL and chops off the bottom/top of the screen on my RGB monitors, but with my very specific Amiga 1080 monitor I can adjust the V-HEIGHT to a point where Protracker refreshes the screen to fit everything on at once. It works but I feel nervous without a backup and this stuff is fairly difficult to get here in the states! smile

Milwaukee, WI

@an0va: Have you tried a portable multi-region DVD player w/ video input? They worked for me. Best part: they're CHEAP!

Milwaukee, WI

Oh, and use Octamed. Protracker is lame.


TSC: so happy you've come into this thread smile the DVD player idea is rad; will definitely give that a shot! Choosing between Protracker & octaMED feels like debating the light and dark side of the force - I've been all Protracker so far, but I nabbed a MIDI interface recently and I feel like OctaMED is calling to me now for that sweet, sweet possibility of sync... wink

an0va wrote:

bumping this; looking for another good one and herr_prof's first link is now unavailable yikes

you can find a few dozen of them on ebay.