We were issued an assignment in my sociology class to study a specific group/culture. I thought it'd be fun to do the presentation on the demoscene.
I consider myself only sort of familiar with the demoscene so I'm excited to learn more about it.
› things to include in the assignment
‹ things to include in the assignment
-Identify culture you are researching
-Is it a subculture or counterculture of the broad culture. If so how?
-Explain the culture’s Ideas, Values, practices and Material Objects/Material Culture, Norms, Laws,Sanctions, Folkways, Mores(MOR-ays), Symbols, Language(proper and colloquial)
-Is this group part of a Culture War now or at anytime? Explain.
-Is there Multiculturalism in your group?
-Do they attempt to Assimilate if a sub/counter culture or does your group prohibit assimilation into their group or into another?
-Does Identity Politics apply to your group and how?
-How does your group fit in the belief in ethnocentrism
-Would your group’s items be considered high culture or low culture
-Has your group been a part of Cultural Imperialism? Either the victim or instigator?
-Has your group been affected by Americanization or are they apart of it?
-Is your group part of the consumer culture?
-Has your group been the creator or “victim” of culture jamming?
Any info or links to sources of information are appreciated. I'm not asking for anyone to do my project for me. I just simply thought this would spark an interesting discussion on the forum. 
Last edited by Ninten Kwon Do (Mar 16, 2016 12:26 pm)