funny, I was thinking, "how many chiptune musicians from Sweden... ? probably around 300", the I checked this:[]=205&type=sceners&profession_id=7&releasetype_id=0&eventtype_id=0&bbstype_id=0&sidtype_id=0&browsesub=Browse!
and there are 299 using C64 (and probably the remaining 1 using Atari ST
). Anyway, even if there are 500, that would me it could be potentially 10-20 people making chiptune in Iceland, and there are probably less in reality. In France, which is 5-6 time the size of Sweden, on csdb there are only 14 people using C64 (probably more using ldsj on nintendo).
In my area, which is similar in population size, I know no one interested in chiptunes or making it...
As you said, it's different computer cultures...