Speaking of nw ill be in washington in july so if anything goes down in seattle knowing or participating on my end would be cool. Ill get a collection of my stuff going pretty soon for yalls to check out.
Speaking of nw ill be in washington in july so if anything goes down in seattle knowing or participating on my end would be cool. Ill get a collection of my stuff going pretty soon for yalls to check out.
Yeah for sure! If you give us enough heads up, we can try to make the event the same time you're in town.
I already know that ill be thre second and third weekends of July so no further heads need to be tilted upwards my good sir! And ill have stuff out by april for my crowds burning ears! Because i talk about them... listening to my musics...
PDXite here, post your shows, yeah I'd drive 10 hrs for some heavy chiptunes action. Joined the FB page too. Hellz yeah!
I live in Renton, and never really played live except blipfest open mic, but I'd be interested.
I'm really busy with school right now, but I'd love to this summer if you're down.
Thanks everyone for showing interest! Send me a link to your music at teo@x-b.it
I live in Renton, and never really played live except blipfest open mic, but I'd be interested.
I had no idea someone around here was writing music in a spc format